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The 'Pitch' Perfect Crime: A Vocabulary-Boosting Short Story
Fat Amy sneezed.
Her fellow Bellas, singers from the premiere a cappella group at Barden University, shied back in a way they hadn’t...

5 Ways to Instantly Sound Smarter, Part 5!
We made it! Episode 18 of the Vocabbett podcast contains the final installment of our “5 Ways to Instantly Sound Smarter”...

5 Ways to Instantly Sound Smarter, Part 4
Back when I was teaching English, I used to describe grammar like this: Imagine that instead of a writer or speaker, you’re a painter. In...

5 Ways to Instantly Sound Smarter, Part 3
I'm going to give you a few sentences, and I want you to see if you can spot the error: “There’s so many things I have to do today.”...

5 Ways to Instantly Sound Smarter, Part 2
For years, I meandered blithely through life thinking that “less” and “fewer” meant the same thing. For the sake of convenience, I used...

5 Ways to Instantly Sound Smarter + Mrs. Abbett's Embarrassing Story
I am SO excited about this podcast because it kicks off a mini-series called “5 Ways to Instantly Sound Smarter.” In it, we’re going over...

All Cows Go to Heaven: A Vocabulary-Boosting Short Story
“Morty!” I whispered.
“What is it?”
“A cow!”
“A cow?” my husband replied. “But we’re in heaven.”
“Heaven’s front yard, at least...

Brilliant Insults...Literally
Episode 12 of the Vocabbett podcast shares brilliant insults from across television and literature. And when I say “brilliant,” I mean...

How to Avoid This School Closure Mistake
When the spate of school closures began as a result of COVID-19, many people (myself included!) thought the closures wouldn't last more...
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