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Boudicea's Bounty: A Vocabulary-Boosting Short Story
“Please don’t call me that,” I said gently.
“But it’s your name!” my lab partner expostulated.
There was no denying the validity of...

Are These Songs Sneakily Sabotaging Your Grammar?'
I know what you’re thinking. “Isn’t EVERY song sneakily sabotaging my grammar? How could you even narrow it down?” Here’s the deal: I...

Casting Call: Author Seeking New Villain
“My name is Hannibal Lecter, and I…”
Caroline politely shuffled the papers on her desk, giving the villain a moment to collect his..

Isis vs. ISIS: A Vocabulary-Boosting Short Story
Isis was not amused. Over the past three thousand years, she’d been subjected to unthinkable indignities, her name sneered at as newer...

Shakespeare Never Existed: A Vocabulary-Boosting Short Story
My name is Portia, and I am a Shakespearean scholar. Except I’m not, because Shakespeare never existed.
I won’t bother trying to convince...

Hera and the Headmaster: A Vocabulary-Boosting Short Story
Hera dressed herself in only the finest. In ancient times, her perfectly proportioned frame was clad exclusively in gossamer robes, her...

Turbo-Charge Your Vocabulary With This Simple Trick
Let me ask you a question: were you flipping flashcards in the crib? Probably not! You likely learned thousands of words without any...

How the 'Questions Secret' Can Help Amid School Uncertainty
Quick, what’s 2+2? Without any real conscious effort, I bet the number “4” popped into your head. That’s because your brain is hardwired...

Introducing: The Vocabbett Podcast!
Starting a podcast was nowhere near my radar right now. So why did I do it, you ask? Well, I am obsessed with finding new (and FREE)...
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