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‘Crazy’ Moon Words + A Writing Tip
You’re probably familiar with the legends of werewolves and madmen emerging from the dark on a full moon…but did you know that this...

WTF Is Inflation (And Why Is Everyone Talking About It?)
Psst...Definitions for words in bold can be found at the bottom of the post. Depending on how current events-savvy you are, you may have...

3 Ways English Might Change in the Next 100 Years
In case you didn’t already know, I have a strange passion for etymology. It’s fascinating to study how words change and grow over time,...

The Surprising Link Between Dogs, Celebrities, and the Queen!
Love, jealousy, betrayal, friends turning each other into animals…all hiding in one tiny SAT word! In episode 43 of the Vocabbett...

Why You Should Be Wary of the Term ‘Revenue’
As you get older, people might try to get you to invest in things, buy certain products, etc. Sometimes they attempt to prove their...

Key Takeaways From Netflix’s ‘Operation Varsity Blues’
If you have a chance to watch Netflix’s “Operation Varsity Blues: The College Admissions Scandal,” you really should. We all know the...

Season 2 Finale (And a Peek Behind the Scenes!)
After around 20 new episodes, season 2 of the Vocabbett podcast is coming to a close! In episode 76, I dive into how I might be growing...

Margo Durrell—Quite the Character!
If you’ve seen The Durrells in Corfu , you’ll undoubtedly remember the slightly dotty daughter in the series, Margo. When I finished the...

Cleopatra's Little Sister: The Cooler of the Two?
We’ve all heard of Cleopatra, but how many people know she had a little sister — and a pretty remarkable one at that? Arsinoe IV was...
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