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'Brave New World' TV Series Review

Altered version of Botticelli's Venus with her chest covered and "wear your best" written across her eyes in newspaper print

Lately, I’ve been bombarded with ads for shows on NBC’s new streaming service, Peacock TV. And among their new shows, it seems, is Brave New World, a fresh take on the classic dystopian novel.

I hate to ever leave a bad review about anything, but I suspect students might stumble upon it after being assigned the book, so let me just say…

This show is shockingly inappropriate for something kids might accidentally tune into.

Seriously, I’m pretty sure I’ve seen cleaner episodes of Game of Thrones.

Let me just repeat: THIS IS NOT A SHOW FOR KIDS

It’s a shame because the premise is actually rather interesting. The actors did a great job. But could I ever, ever recommend it to a student?

AB-SO-FREAKING-LUTELY NOT. Honestly, I wouldn’t recommend it to an adult.

Consider yourself warned. Caveat emptor! (Buyer beware!)

Looking for shows that are interesting and sneakily educational? Here are 5 amazing shows that won’t turn your brain to mush! And you can hear my complete take on Brave New World in the Vocabbett podcast!

Featured Image Credit: Art Vechnaya/Modified from Etsy – thank you!

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