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Margo Durrell—Quite the Character!

Updated: May 19

Promotional image from "The Durrells in Corfu"

Black and white image of Margo Durrell

If you’ve seen The Durrells in Corfu, you’ll undoubtedly remember the slightly dotty daughter in the series, Margo.

When I finished the show (a slightly heartbreaking moment – I hope they release a new season in the future!), I was exceptionally curious about what happened next for the family. Though the show offers a fictionalized account of the Durrells’ lives, the characters were based on real people. To think of them in the clutches of World War II…

In episode 75 of the Vocabbett podcast, I share more about the remarkable life of Margo Durrell. You can listen below, or on your favorite podcast player!


Referenced In This Episode:

Images Credit:

The Durrells in Corfu image retrieved from PBS Masterpiece

The image of Margo Durrell was retrieved from Wiki Commons. It was uploaded by WomenArtistUpdates, and can be found here.


Thanks to a listener for pointing out that I was in error on the publication date of Whatever Happened to Margo. It was originally published in 1995, and she didn’t pass away until 2007 — therefore, it was very much NOT a posthumous publication!

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